Next Steps


As we reflect on the 2024 Missions and Social Concerns Conference lessons, we encourage you to prayerfully act in obedience to the convictions.

Below are potential resources for next steps. In addition, please do not hesitate to reach out to your pastor and the missions committee (  We would be happy to connect and/or walk alongside you with your journey!

Missions-Focused Classes and Training

Kairos (Chinese)

Chinese Kairos:
English Kairos:


日期: 11/30(Thu), 12/2(Sat), 12/3 (Sun), 12/7(Thu), 12/9(Sat), 12/10(Sun)

時間:1st weekend 週四 7PM-10PM (zoom),  

                                    週六 9AM-6PM (zoom),  

                                    週日 1:15PM–6:30PM (zoom)  

             2nd weekend 週四 7PM-10PM (zoom)

                                    週六 9AM-6PM in person (with lunch)

                                    週日 1:15PM - 6:30PM in-person (with lunch)    

方式: Zoom & 實體聚會

地點: 波士頓郊區華人聖經教會 CBCGB

地址:149 Old Spring Street, Lexington, MA 02421

聯繫人: Eric Chiu,  電郵 

收費:$125 含茶點,午餐,及書本 (支票支付給 “ CBCGB")

請寫好$125的支票 (payable to CBCGB, 請在memo上務必注明: Kairos課程,這個費用是不包括在 "可退税的奉献" 裡面),或者現金,交給Eric。

《把握時機》宣教生命課程 乃是由菲律賓Living Spring International編輯出版,原名Condensed World Missions Course,因它是濃縮自兩套著名的宣教課程:Dr. Jonathan Lewis所著的World Mission及Dr. Ralph Winter所編的Perspectives on the World Christian Movement。《把握時機》屬正式的Perspectives Family家族成員,至今已在超過80個國家,以35個不同的語言進行,近年來開始有中文版的課程。《把握時機》基礎課程乃是在經驗豐富的統籌導師帶領之下,透過學習方式包括聚焦禱告、課文修讀、靈修專題、成長小組討論、錄像教學及特別設計的跨文化活動,從四個層面認識宣教(聖經、歷史、策略、文化),達到教育、啟發及挑戰基督徒將宣教與生命整合,從根本中去重整你的人生方向,積極參與神的宣教計畫。完成此課程者將受頒予國際證書。

Kairos不是另一個提供宣教資料和認識的課程,而是一個改變生命的旅程!一個震撼生命,翻轉世界觀及重整基督徒事奉觀的旅程!並把所學到的整合到日常生活中,學習調整生活,重新編排優先次序及調整活動焦點。此課程最獨特的地方是以多种方式導修互动代替单一授課。學習方式包括聚焦禱告、課文修讀、靈修專題、成長小組討論、錄像教學及特別設計的跨文化活 動,從聖經、歷史、策略、文化四個層面認識宣教,啓發及挑戰每个基督徒將宣教與生命整合,從根本上重整你的人生方向,積極參與神的宣教計畫。


Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson education course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. The course examines the story of God fulfilling His promises from four vantage points or “perspectives” — Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic. The Biblical and Historical sections establish the foundation of our confidence in the historic fact of God’s persistent work to make His name known to the nations from the dawn of history until today. The Cultural and Strategic sections highlight that we are in the midst of a costly but very “do-able” task. These sections confirm the Biblical and Historical hope we have with the invitation to co-labor with God in His mission.

*Boston in-person only session will start in Jan 2024 Monday night at Park Street Church.  Check link below for more details and updates.

Long-term Missions Training Organizations / Trips

Radius International - (English), (Chinese)

SHORT-term Missions Training / Trips

Here are some of the trips that we have planned for 2024:

Central Asia (Missions)

Honduras (Social Concerns Ministry)

Taiwan (Missions)

COCM - UK (Missions)

Hope House - Maine (Social Concerns Ministry)

Reach the Beach - Revere, MA (Missions)

Peer Servants (Social Concerns Ministry)

(TBD) Globalgates - NYC : (Missions)

Please email or if you are interested to learn more about these trips.

Below are some additional short-term missions opportunities with our supported long-term missions organizations

OMF International Short Term Trips -

Pioneers Short-Term Trips -

Wycliffe Short-Term Trips -